
The present study aims to identify the characteristics of behavior in stressful situations and the strategies for coping with stress demonstrated by students of the 1st and 4th years of the Faculty of Transport and Logistics Management of the specialty “Railroad Operation”, as well as by their graduates - Russian Railways OJSC employees performing functions related to train movement. The methods used in the study include a standardized method for multivariate coping measurement (Coping inventory for stressful situations, CISS). The results show that for the majority of students, the style of coping focused on solving the task or problem with more or less variation as we will see predominates. The practical importance of the study is found in the fact that the materials obtained in the course of it can be used in the development of programs specially adapted for the development of the students' coping resources. The acquired data also improve the understanding of the development of coping strategies in the ontogenesis process.

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