
Digital twin (DT) technology is currently gaining popularity in a variety of industrial applications. Recently, the China Institute of Nuclear Power proposed a data driven by nuclear reactor digital twin. The digital twin solves the forward problem for physical field simulation and the inverse problem for parameter identification. The inverse problem can be viewed as a black-box optimization problem where the input parameters are identified by the Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) method based on a given partial observation. While LHS is relatively naive, in this paper, we proposed to apply swarm and evolutionary algorithms to solve the inverse problem. Specifically, we present an experimental comparative study for LHS and four popular SEAs, Particle Swarm Optimizer (PSO), Differential Evolution (DE), Evolutionary Strategy (ES), and evolution strategy with covariance matrix adaptation (CMA-ES). The results show that, for this inverse problem, SEAs are more accurate and efficient than LHS. We also investigate the comparative optimization algorithm’s searching capability under the conditions of noisy observations and no initial input parameter guesses. The experimental results show that DE and CMA-ES have strong robustness and high searching ability.

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