
The Katingan irrigation area is a swamp area that has undergone agricultural development. The optimization of yields necessitates the adaptation of management strategies in response to the challenges encountered within the swamp irrigation area. The objective of this study is to discern the issues in the Katingan I swamp irrigation area by conducting field surveys and monitoring. The field survey was conducted from December 2022 to March 2023. The primary data collected are water level, quality, agricultural products, and field documentation. Secondary data such as rainfall, irrigation network schemes, and institutions were also acquired. The survey result found water acidity issues due to water coming from peat forests and acid sulphate soils. The acidity of the water rises during low tide and when rain carries acidic water. There is a problem with high salinity, particularly during high tide in dry seasons. Optimal water management is achievable through continuous monitoring of water level and quality. Another issue is a lack of human resources to cultivate the land, especially because the irrigation service area has recently been expanded. The results of this study hopefully provide valuable insights for developing future management strategies in Katingan.

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