
The background to this research is the phenomenon of female workers who work as porters at Legi market, one of the traditional markets in the city of Surakarta. Traditional markets are an interesting place, where modern markets have developed rapidly, but the existence of traditional markets still has its own attraction for most people. There is interaction between sellers and buyers and economic turnover which can be said to be quite high using legal means of payment, namely cash payments. Legi market is one of the most complete traditional markets which is a reference for buyers from Solo and surrounding areas who want to buy goods in large quantities so that this has a positive impact on coolie workers in collecting their fortune. The existence of traditional markets cannot be separated from the existence of porters. Working and working as a porter is not a job that every woman dreams of, but the reality in society is that there are quite a few women who pursue this profession. The lack of education and skills requires these women to pursue the profession of porters. These tough women compete with other workers who in fact have stronger energy and abilities, namely men. These women work to help their husbands to meet household needs by trying their luck working as porters. The aim of this research is to find out the coping strategies of female workers who have a dual role, namely as women who work to earn a living for the family and as housewives. What kind of strategies encourage these female workers to improve the family economy? The type of research used in this research is ethnographic research methods, to describe the social and cultural structure of a society. The research results show that there are several factors that strengthen women's reasons for working to help their husbands meet their economic needs

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