
The main destructive wood organism is termites. Trees are attacked by live tree termites and also dead trees. As happened in the Arboretum area of Untan, where many trees were damaged caused by it. The aim of the study was to identify the types of tree destroyers in the Sylva Arboretum area of Untan. This study uses a field survey by exploring all the blocks found in the Untara Sylva Arboretum with an area of 3.2 ha. The results of the study at the Sylva University Arboretum in Tanjungpura from 20 observation blocks were 13 blocks which were attacked and 7 blocks were not exposed to termite attacks. Termites found 3 types of termites, these types include 2 types of soil termites (Nasutitermes Sp and Odontotermes Sp.) And 1 type of subterranean termites (Coptotermes curvignatus). The trees that were attacked in the Untan Arboretum area included 13 species of trees, namely: Acacia mangium, Acacia auriculiformis, Melicope lunu-acenda, Paraserianthes falcataria, Shorea seminis, Shorea pacipila, Shorea sp. Shorea revoluta, Dillenia sp, Gluta renghas, Calophillum inopilum, Nephelium lappaceum, Macarangga pruinosa. The most affected trees are Acacia mangium and Acacia Auriculiformis.Keywords: Tree destroyer termites, Arboretum area


  • The trees that were attacked in the Universitas Tanjungpura diantaranya merupakan jenis-jenis (Untan) Arboretum area included 13 species of trees, namely: Acacia mangium, Acacia auriculiformis, Melicope lunu-acenda, Paraserianthes falcataria, Shorea seminis, Shorea pacipila, Shorea sp

  • 3. Pohon yang paling banyak terkena serangan ialah Acacia mangium dan Acacia Auriculiformis

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Penentuan lokasi penelitian dibagi

Kawasan Arboretum Sylva Untan menjadi 20 blok, semua jenis pohon memiliki keanekaragaman jenis pohon dalam blok diamati dan dicatat jenis yang cukup tinggi dengan jumlah 20 pohon yang terserang rayap. Namun pada pohon di Arboretum rayap yang di ambil pada semua pohon juga banyak mengalami kerusakan. Salah satu penyebab dari kerusakan vial dan yang berisi alkohol selanjutnya pada pohon di Arboretum ialah diidentifikasi

Sylva Untan ialah seperti pohon Acacia
Arboretum Sylva Universitas pohon di Kawasan Arboretum ialah
Sedangkan Rayap
Rayap Subteran umumnya hidup
Famili Rhinotermitidae terutama jenis yang digunakan untuk pertahanan diri
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