
Food is one of the basic human needs, there are many kinds of food vendors scattered around us, including traditional markets. The typical food of the City of Kediri is Rice Tumpang, which is sold in many market areas, picking vegetables by hand directly and on average almost all sellers do not use handscoons. This can cause bacterial contamination from the seller's fingernails to move to the food. Bacteria can enter the nails if the nails are 1-3 cm long, the state of the wound or tear, which is damaged can cause bacteria to enter. Therefore, the cleanliness of the rice seller's nails must be trimmed regularly. This study aims to determine the type of Gram-negative bacteria on the nails of Tumpang rice sellers. The sampling technique used was total sampling. Examination was carried out on 16 samples of nail clippings on the right hand 0.5-1.5 mm. The results of the identification of Gram Negative Rod Bacteria in Nail Clips of Tumpang Rice Sellers at the Traditional Market in Mojoroto, Kediri City were 10 samples of Pseudomonas sp. (62.5%), 3 samples of Klebsiella sp. (18.75%), 2 samples of Escherichia coli (12. 5%), and 1 sample of Proteus sp. (6.25%). These bacteria can be found in the nails of Tumpang rice sellers because they do not apply personal hygiene such as washing their hands with soap, not cutting their nails once a week, when selling they do not use disposable plastic handscoons, and do not always clean the selling area. Conclusion: 10 Pseudomonas sp. samples (62.5%), 3 Klebsiella samples sp. (18.75%), 2 Escherichia coli samples (12.5%), and 1 Proteus sp. sample (6.25%) were obtained.

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