
The bacterial translational GTPase EF4/LepA is structurally similar to the canonical elongation factor EF-G. While sharing core structural features with other translational GTPases, the function of EF4 remains unknown. Recent structural data locates the unique C-terminal domain (CTD) of EF4 in proximity to the ribosomal peptidyl transferase center (PTC). To investigate the functional role of EF4's CTD we have constructed three C-terminal truncation variants. These variants are fully functional with respect to binding mant-GTP and mant-GDP as determined by rapid kinetics, as well as their intrinsic multiple turnover GTPase activity. Furthermore, they are able to form stable complexes with the 70S ribosome and 50S/30S ribosomal subunits. However, successive removal of the C-terminus impairs ribosome-dependent multiple turnover GTPase activity of EF4, which for the full-length protein is very similar to EF-G. Our findings suggest that the last 44 C-terminal amino acids of EF4 form a sub-domain within the C-terminal domain that is important for GTP-dependent function on the ribosome. Additionally, we show that efficient nucleotide hydrolysis by EF4 on the ribosome depends on a conserved histidine (His 81), similar to EF-G and EF-Tu.


  • Alberta RNA Research and Training Institute, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB, T1K 3M4, Canada

  • The obtained association and dissociation rate constants governing the interaction between EF4 and mant-GDP/mant-GTP, together with the derived micromolar binding constants (KD), reveal that EF4 has a slightly higher affinity for GDP than for GTP (5 mM and 23 mM, respectively). This is different from the translational GTPase EF-G (KD, GDP 17 mM and KD, GTP 7 mM), but is similar to EF-Tu21 and RF314,15

  • Given the 10-fold higher concentration of GTP in the cell over GDP22, we estimate that during mid-log phase in vivo, 66% of free EF4 will be bound to GTP and 33% bound to GDP. This is again different than what is predicted for other translational GTPases, such as EF-G13 and RF314,15, and suggests that EF4 is likely sensitive to the guanine nucleotide triphosphate-diphosphate ratio and to the overall energy state of the cell, similar to what has been reported for EttA

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EF4 possesses a unique C-terminal domain (CTD) that spatially occupies a position between domains III and V (Supplemental Figure S1) Both EF4 and EF-G bind to the A site of the ribosome and the available structures of the respective ribosomal complexes reveal that domains I, II, III and V of EF-G and EF4 contact the ribosome in a similar fashion[9,10,11]. In order to investigate the catalytic mechanism of GTP hydrolysis and the role of EF4’s CTD, we have constructed a GTPase inactive, as well as three sequential C-terminal truncation variants These variants are compared to the full-length EF4 with respect to their ability to bind guanine nucleotides, associate with the ribosome and to hydrolyze GTP. Our www.nature.com/scientificreports findings suggest that the last 44 C-terminal residues constitute a C-terminal sub-domain that likely has important regulatory roles during EF4’s functional cycle

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