
The paper presents a method for autonomous sources of electricity based on internal combustion engines and diesel engines diagnosing system parameters selection. Use of internal combustion engines as electric energy autonomous sources is determined. Presented an analysis of most widespread in the market of Ukraine reserve sources of electric energy design features on the basis of internal combustion engines. Such analysis of the autonomous power supplies design features allowed a developing of a logical model of the object of study. The developed logical scheme of the research allows to establish the relationship between the main structural elements of the system, as well as to determine the possible states of the system. An informative criterion is proposed to determine the final number of diagnostic parameters among the infinite number of possible combinations of physical parameters that characterize the system. The concept of information entropy of K. Shannon is offered as an informative criterion. Equally probable cases of exit from the working condition of each of the elements of the system are considered. Applying the concept of Shannon's information entropy, the residual entropies of the system at the faulty state of one of the nodes of the autonomous power supply are determined. Based on the values of residual entropy, the system nodes state of which should be primarily monitored by the diagnostic system. For such elements diagnostic parameters are defined, and ways of their reception are resulted.

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