
The purpose of this study was to determine the views of the community on the implementation of environmental responsibility and efforts to improve the communitys economy through Corporate Social Responsibility carried out by the Punagaya Steam Power Plant (PLTU). This type of research is juridical empirical. Empirically this research was conducted by looking at a law implementation in society. Based on the research results obtained by the results of the questionnaire by 41 respondents based on a Likert scale with a total score of B x F of 101, it can be concluded that the implementation of environmental responsibility is less effective because of environmental pollution and infrastructure development that is not optimal. As for the publics view of efforts to improve the communitys economy through Corporate Social Responsibility based on the results of a questionnaire having a total score of B x F of 118, it can be concluded that these activities are quite effective.The program in the socio-economic field are realized in the form of providing food assistance to residents around the Punagaya PLTU, providing clean water during the dry season, utilizing local labor during construction and operational periods, assistance for youth organization activities and emergency response in the form of the use of the Fire Fighting.

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