
SPM is a statistical method of analysis of time-varying human movement gait signal, depending on the random field theory (RFT). MovementRx is our inhouse-developed decision-support system that depends on SPM1D Python implementation of the SPM (spm1d.org). We present the potential application of MovementRx in the prediction of increased joint forces with the possibility to predispose to osteoarthritis in a sample of post-surgical Transtibial Amputation (TTA) patients who were ambulant in the community. We captured the three-dimensional movement profile of 12 males with TTA and studied them using MovementRx, employing the SPM1D Python library to quantify the deviation(s) they have from our corresponding reference data, using “Hotelling 2” and “T test 2” statistics for the 3D movement vectors of the 3 main lower limb joints (hip, knee, and ankle) and their nine respective components (3 joints × 3 dimensions), respectively. MovementRx results visually demonstrated a clear distinction in the biomechanical recordings between TTA patients and a reference set of normal people (ABILITY data project), and variability within the TTA patients’ group enabled identification of those with an increased risk of developing osteoarthritis in the future. We conclude that MovementRx is a potential tool to detect increased specific joint forces with the ability to identify TTA survivors who may be at risk for osteoarthritis.

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