The experiment was conducted in the varying potential sub agro-ecologies of Kongwa and Kiteto districts in Central Tanzania during the 2019-2020 cropping season to identify the relatively more efficient and productive cropping system. Results showed that in the high sub ecology, Pigeon pea - Sorghum intercrop had the highest Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) of 1.59. In the moderate, Pigeon pea - Groundnut highest LER value was 1.65, and in the low sub ecology, Pigeon pea - Pearl millet highest LER value was 2.36 compared to LER values of 1.00 for the respective sole crops, which indicated the superiority of intercropping over monoculture. The above findings revealed that increased productivity could be achieved through intercropping. Therefore, it could be concluded that Pigeon pea- Sorghum, Pigeon pea- Groundnut and Pigeon pea- Pearl millet are the more efficient and productive cropping systems in the high, moderate and low sub ecologies, respectively.
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