
Background: Molecular markers are the landmarks on DNA that identifies a particular sequence of base pairs coding for a character. SCAR (Sequenced Characterized Amplified Region) markers are proving to be more effective in identification of genotypes as they are PCR based co-dominant markers. In view of plant variety registration under PPV and FRA, 2001 molecular characterization/ identification of the variety is essential to ascertain the trueness of the variety, hence present studies have been planned and executed. Methods: In present investigation CGMS based chilli hybrid UARChH42 and its parental lines were identified using molecular techniques. A line, B line, R line and hybrid seedlings were used for DNA extraction and characterized on the basis of polymorphism with respect to sterility or fertility by using SCAR markers. Result: P1 and P2 and coxII-SCAR which are sterility specific markers could amplify A line and hybrid showing a definite band. CRF-SCAR 870 is a fertility specific marker amplified R line and hybrid. Also CMS-SCAR 130 and CMS-SCAR 130/140 were able to identified A line, B line, R line and hybrid. Two of the markers viz. orf-456-SCAR atp6-SCAR and were not able to specify any case of parental lines or hybrid identification. Hybridity of UARChH42 (JCH42) chilli hybrid was determined by any similarity in the banding pattern with any of its parent. This study would help in the fulfillment of the requirements of protection of plant varieties and farmers’ rights authority (PPVFRA), New Delhi for registration purpose.

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