
Following the acceptance for publication of the paper entitled Identification of mixed-symmetry states in odd-A93 Nb, the authors realized that some mistakes in the data analysis had occurred. As mentioned in thori ginal paper, from an experiment using the 94 Zr (p ,2n)93 Nb reaction, multipolarities and spin assignments were deter mined. The de-excited γ -rays were detected using the HORUS spectrometer, comprised of 16 H PGe detectors. Here, nine correlation groups are available in order to determine the spins through angular -correlation analysis. Later, the auth ors realised that there was a problem with the efficiency of the correlation groups where the cluster detector was prim arily involved. This problem led to unreliable quadrupole mixing ratios, δ, and therefore to the incorrect iden tication of mixed -symmetry states. Th e problem has been resolved by using only seven correlation groups. At present, the authors cannot confirm the identication of any mixed-symmetry states since the data are being reanalised. The new analysis and conclusions of this work will be published in a forthcoming paper.

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