
Weed is a plant pest organism whose existence is very detrimental to the production of cultivated plants. Weeds and major plants compete to obtain nutrients, sunlight, and water so that their availability is limited to the main plants. Weed abundance in a cultivated land is inseparable from the presence of weed seed banks in the soil. This study aims to identify weed bank seeds in chili cultivation in Tandon Hamlet, Selogiri Subdistrict, Wonogiri Regency and find out the right weeding frequency to get the highest productivity of cayenne pepper. Identification of local weed bank seed by taking soil samples at four different depths, a) 0-5 cm depth; b) 5-10 cm depth; c) 10-15 cm depth; and d) a depth of 15-20 cm. The variables observed included weed frequency, weed density, and summed dominance ratio (SDR). The frequency of weeding of cayenne plants, using a randomized completely block design (RCBD) with one treatment factor, namely weeding frequency (without weeding; 1 weeding at 2 weeks after planting (MST); 2 times weeding at 2 MST and 4 MST; 3 times weeding at 2 MST, 4 MST, and 6 MST; 4 times weeding at 2 MST, 4 MST, 6 MST, and 8 MST). The results showed that the highest weed seed bank density was found in the depth of soil 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm. While the frequency of weeding shows the frequency of 3 times weeding gives the best results on the growth and production of cayenne


  • Gulma merupakan organisme pengganggu tanaman yang keberadaannya sangat merugikan bagi produksi tanaman budidaya

  • This study aims to identify weed bank seeds in chili cultivation in Tandon Hamlet, Selogiri Subdistrict, Wonogiri Regency and find out the right weeding frequency to get the highest productivity of cayenne pepper

  • The results showed that the highest weed seed bank density was found in the depth of soil 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm

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Bahan dan Alat

Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan April 2018 sampai dengan bulanAgustus 2018 bertempat di lahan budidaya di dusun Tandon, kecamatan Selogiri, kabupaten Wonogiri. Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah bibit cabai rawit berumur kurang lebih 21 hari setelah semai (HSS), pupuk kandang, pupuk NPK. Alat yang digunakan antara lain peralatan budidaya, bak semai seed bank (bak plastik), timbangan, peralatan pengamatan variabel

Identifikasi seed bank
Identifikasi Seed Bank Gulma Lokal
Rumput Daun lebar
Jumlah Cabang
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