
Indonesia reaches more than 200 million internet users in 2022. Considering a large number of internet users in Indonesia, there are many digital-based businesses and one of them is e-commerce platforms. Understanding user in social media plays an important role in determining a suitable digital marketing strategy, one of which is by knowing the user interaction or User Generated Content in social media. The research related to User Generated Content is commonly used as one the data to analyze marketing strategy in social media. One of the previous research about User Generated Content as data to analyze marketing strategy for an educational platform and tourism platform. Both the previous study used User Generated Content and Social Network Analysis to analyze the data. Therefore, this study aims to form a network using data sources based on tweets on social media that models Lazada network interaction in Indonesia. We use User Generated Content as a source to find the influencer's and communities' representations of these are the two most important in deciding on a digital marketing strategy, especially for their social media. The results of this study identify the influencers and communities of the social network. The research will be worthwhile for business opportunities, policymakers, and Lazada.

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