
Pasteurella haemolytica serotype 1 (S1) is the bacterium most frequently recovered from the lungs of cattle that have succumbed to shipping fever pneumonia. P. haemolytica outer membrane proteins (OMPs) are important immunogens in the development of resistance to pneumonic pasteurellosis. The purpose of this study was to identify the repertoire of immunogenic, surface-exposed P. haemolytica (S1) OMPs, that could be important in the development of protective immunity. We determined surface exposure of OMPs by (1) their susceptibility to protease treatment and (2) their ability to adsorb out antibodies from bovine immune sera. For a comprehensive identification of immunogenic, surface-exposed OMPs, we used bovine antisera from calves that were resistant to experimental P. haemolytica challenge after (1) natural exposure to P. haemolytica, (2) vaccination with live P. haemolytica, or (3) vaccination with P. haemolytica OMPs. We identified 21 immunogenic, surface-exposed P. haemolytica OMPs. Most were recognized by all three immune sera. However, some were recognized by one or two of the three antisera. Our analyses identified surface-exposed, immunogenic proteins that were not identified in previous studies.

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