
The paper analyses the process of identification of passionaries as an intangible resource for the recovery of communities. It is emphasized that finding the mechanisms to identify a passionarian has been a major and yet unresolved problem. The purpose of the study is to interpret the phenomenon of passionary identification, to explicate the concepts of "ways of identification" and "identification methods" in order to activate the passionarity potential in communities. Moreover, for the further growth of scientific knowledge, it is extremely necessary to explore the methods of passionary identification, the reasons for choosing a particular method of identification of a passionarian; the factors that contribute to the actualization of a particular identification mechanism, and the ones that, on the contrary, prevent it. The methods of personality identification have been analysed, according to the concepts developed by S. Freud, C.G. Jung, K. Horney, E. Fromm, J. Marcia, G. Meade et al. It has been proved that in the context of constructivist structuralism, identification is considered as an ambivalent path: on the one hand, it is aimed at transforming the world around the individual, and on the other hand, it is aimed at changing the personality itself, conditioned by the social system. G. Allport's cardinal disposition has been considered and it has been substantiated that its availability suggests the presence of passionary energy in a person. Based on the analysis of the identification of the main actors of the conflict in accordance with the conflictological paradigm, it has been substantiated that such interaction most often reveals extraordinary personalities, often with passionary dispositions or traits. It has been shown that there are two ways to identify a passionarian – an internal and external one. The internal way involves a rationally conscious formation of a person's own identity construction. The external method of identity construction is manifested under the influence of extrapersonal factors, while the constructed identity is irrational in most cases.

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