
Weeds on oil palm plantations can also be the host of Basal Stem Rot caused by Ganoderma. This study aims to identify and analyze of weed vegetation using visual estimation and squares method as Ganoderma presence marker on oil palm plantations. This research was conducted in block 17, 16, and 6 of VII afdeling, Rambutan Estate in Serdang Bedagai Regency on December 2017 to March 2018. This research used survey method with visual estimation and squares. The data used is absolute density, relative density, absolute frequency, relative frequency, important value indeks, Summed Dominance Ratio (SDR) and dry weight. Data analysis using IBM SPSS Statistics 20 software. The results showed that different weed species between oil palm was infected and uninfected by Ganoderma with visual estimation method is Cyclosorus aridus (14.78%) where as with squares method are Cyperus rotundus (10.60%), and Stenochlaena palustris (7.76%) with temperature range 28.67 to 30.80oC and moisture amount 60.67 to 77.33%.


  • Growing weeds on oil palm plantations are disturbing plants that can harm palm oil growth and production

  • The spread of Ganoderma attacks is very fast through: (1) root contact between oil palm trees, (2) Ganoderma spores spread through the wind, carried by insects, and (3) Ganoderma spores can be spread due to harvesting and estate maintenance

  • The parameters observed in the visual estimation method include Summed Dominance Ratio (SDR)

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Growing weeds on oil palm plantations are disturbing plants that can harm palm oil growth and production. Type of plant disease on oil palm plantations is basal stem rot (BSR) caused by Ganoderma boninense. In Indonesia, G. boninense was identified as the most common species that attack and causes the death of plants more than 80% from total oil palm populations and causes a decrease in palm oil products per hectare [2]. The highest losses occurred in Indonesia and Malaysia, the lowest was reported in Africa, Papua New Guinea and Thailand [5] This disease is present in mature plants. There has never been researched that conducted early detection of Ganoderma presence based weed populations on oil palm plantations. The purpose of this research was to identify and analyze weeds vegetation with visual estimation and squares methods as Ganoderma presence marker on oil palm plantations

22 Imperata cylindrica
19 Lantana camara
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