
The article deals with the use of modern information tools at the Department of Control and Intelligent Technologies of the National Research University "MPEI" for organizing "feedback" with students, which involves conducting and analyzing online surveys on the choice of topics for Educational Research Work. It is noted that the choice of topics by students is directly related to their subsequent employment. This allows, based on the analysis of the survey results, to identify the training courses and areas of scientific research that are most in demand in practice and, in the opinion of students, are useful in professional activities (employment in their specialty). The retrospective data covers the period from 2015 to 2019 and contains 107 questionnaires. The work identifies the most popular department topics, builds their ratings, analyzes the change in student preferences over time, examines the relationship between topics. The analysis showed that the Department of Control and Intelligent Technologies has a group of Student’s Scientific Research directions that are most in demand by students. Also, topics that over time have ceased to be indicated by students as priorities and by now have significantly lost their relevance from the point of view of their usefulness in employment in their specialty are identified. It was found out which topics have stable connections with each other and often fall into the questionnaires together. The results of the analysis enable the department to forecast demand and prepare human resources to meet the increasing number of applications in popular areas. The research carried out makes it possible to automate the process of assigning students to the Student’s Scientific Research and choosing the most suitable scientific advisor. The proposed approach provides the department with "feedback", on the basis of which it is possible to correct the topics of the Student’s Scientific Research, update, adjust (and expand) courses that contribute to the employment of graduates and provide knowledge that is in demand in the modern labor market.

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