
Background: A powdery mildew-resistant cultivar of melon is needed to increase melon yield crops. Meloni is a superior melon cultivar bred through a crossing between ♀ SL-3 and ♂ PI 371795, resulted by the Laboratory of Genetics and Breeding, Faculty of Biology, UGM. This study aimed to determine the level resistance of Meloni to powdery mildew infection and to identify the powdery mildew species that infected Meloni based on morphological characters. Methods: Meloni seeds were germinated and planted in the greenhouse of PIAT UGM. Powdery mildew spores were inoculated into the leaves after ±2 weeks of age. Leaf infected were scored using the gridline every 3 days for 6 weeks. Scoring results were converted to the diseases index score. Furthermore, powdery mildew species was identified using morphological characters. Results: Meloni had a tolerance level of resistance to the powdery mildew infection. Based on the morphological characters with fibrosin bodies, conidia ovoid-shape and the position of the germ tube in the lateral part of the conidia, powdery mildew that infected Meloni was expected as P. xanthii. Conclusions: Meloni can be expected as an alternative to superior melon seeds resistant to pest and disease infections especially powdery mildew. 


  • Kultivar tanaman melon yang tahan terhadap penyakit embun tepung diperlukan dalam upaya meningkatkan hasil produksi buah melon di Indonesia

  • powdery mildew that infected Meloni was expected as P. xanthii

  • Meloni can be expected as an alternative to superior melon seeds

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Kultivar tanaman melon yang tahan terhadap penyakit embun tepung diperlukan dalam upaya meningkatkan hasil produksi buah melon di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan tingkat ketahanan tanaman Meloni terhadap infeksi penyakit embun tepung dan mengidentifikasi jamur embun tepung yang menginfeksi tanaman Meloni berdasarkan karakter morfologisnya. Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil skoring diperoleh persentase tingkat infeksi jamur embun tepung terhadap tanaman Meloni berkisar 0,02 % hingga 32,18%. Kesimpulan: Melon kultivar Meloni mempunyai tingkat ketahanan yang bersifat toleran terhadap infeksi penyakit embun tepung. Berdasarkan karakter morfologis adanya fibrosin bodies, bentuk konidia ovoid dan posisi germ tube dibagian lateral konidia, jamur embun tepung yang menginfeksi tanaman Meloni diduga adalah Podosphaera xanthi. Melon kultivar Meloni diharapkan menjadi salah satu alternatif benih melon unggul asli Indonesia yang tahan terhadap infeksi hama dan penyakit tanaman khususnya penyakit embun tepung

Bahan dan Alat Penelitian
Prosedur Penelitian
Inokulasi Jamur Embun Tepung dan Skoring
Tidak bergejala
Identifikasi Jamur Embun Tepung pada Melon Secara Morfologi
Uji Ketahanan Tanaman Meloni terhadap Infeksi Penyakit Embun Tepung
Identifikasi Jamur Embun Tepung pada Tanaman Meloni Secara Morfologis
Hialin Rantai linier
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