
Ultrasonography is an efficient method for evalu-ating the internal structure of the liver and it gives datum about size, shape and parenchymal disorders. Although the visualization and differentiation of hepatic and portal veins are possible, theirs identification is arduous and the ultrasonographic differentiation of the liver’s lobes has not been described yet. The aim of this study was the ul-trasonographic identification of the canine liver’s lobes, describing its anatomic landmarkers. Ultrasound scans of the liver were applied to 86 adult dogs. Hepatic and por-tal veins examination of 10 normal dogs and 5 dogs with right vein congestion were made. A vynil vascular cast of hepatic and portal veins was obteined. In order to study segmentation, 70 dogs (including 10 cadavers) had pre-determinated liver’s regions examined sonographically, which were certificated by color ink guided injection and further necropsy in the cadavers. The results of the pre-sent research are helpful to determinate the canine liver’s lobes. As most hepatic and portal veins are difficult to be sonographically identified in dogs, segmentation based on the vascular distribution pattern proved to be useless for their determination, althought when identified, these ves-sels are helpful to determinate the lobe. KEY-WORDS: Anatomy, dogs, live, ultrasound, veins.

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