The subject of the study is the ideas of laziness, self-attitude and self-regulation of working young people. The aim of the study is to establish relationships between ideas about the content, conditions of occurrence, self-regulation of laziness and types of self-attitude, styles of self-regulation of working young people with varying degrees of self-esteem of laziness. The empirical object of the study - 110 young people. Laziness is considered as a condition that arises in a situation of experiencing inconsistency between external requirements and internal willingness to invest available resources to fulfill them, lack of internal readiness to act in order to save resources. Laziness is interpreted as a personality trait manifested in a person's tendency to frequent and intense experiences of a state of laziness at a low threshold of its occurrence in a wide range of situations. The following methods were used: the questionnaire "Style of self-regulation of behavior" (Morosanova V.I.), a multidimensional questionnaire for self-attitude research (Pantileev S.R.), the method of self-assessment of laziness (Bogdanova D.A., Posokhova S.T.); self-assessment of the level of laziness. A content analysis of the self-description of ideas about laziness is carried out. The methods of mathematical statistics are applied. The concepts of laziness are defined in the form of interpretations of the content of laziness as an action, as an emotional and ethical assessment, as a motivational and characterological trait; interpretations of the circumstances of laziness associated with the conditions of past, current or upcoming activities, motivational formations, the state of the subject; broadcast options for regulating laziness as a transition to activity, elements of internal dialogue, self-motivation, mental operations and reflections, acceptance and passivity in experiencing laziness. Groups with varying degrees of self-assessment of laziness have been identified. The types of self-attitude and styles of self-regulation of young people with varying degrees of self-esteem of laziness are ranked. It has been established that the leading type of self-attitude among the low-lazy and lazy below average is the type of self-attitude with an external evaluative basis, while the lazy above average and the highly lazy have a high degree of types of self-attitude with both external and internal evaluative grounds. The interrelationships between ideas about the content, conditions of occurrence, self-regulation of laziness and types of self-attitude, self-regulation of working young people with different degrees of self-esteem of laziness (low, below average, above average and high) have been established, the specifics of these relationships have been established.
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