
The term ‘Common European Home’was coined in 1987 by Mikhail Gorbachev to describe the future policy of the Soviet Union towards Eastern Europe. At present this notion has lost its disquieting tone, which was related to the statement made by the Soviet Political Bureau: ‘a stifling embrace, a suffocating hug’. Nowadays, this idea covers various models of European integration, and is expressed in both the hopes and concerns of the states that participate in this process. The economic and political integration of European states has been a continuous and dynamic process. The question of its further direction has become particularly important after the French said ‘non’ to the European Constitution. This has refueled disputes over existing integration models, which are focused around the opposing concepts of a Federal Europe and a Europe of Homelands as a confederation. It is of significant importance since the process of Europeization has been parallel to the process of regionalization inside the national European states. Regionalization mainly followed from the demands of autonomists, but sometimes was initiated by central governments as part of the process of decentralization. At present, European regions have increased their economic significance and have won more rights and authority inside their states. Consequently, they have aspired to become independent forces for globalization and Europeization. This process can be exemplified by Spain. After forty years of Franco’s dictatorship, where any form of regional autonomy whatsoever was rejected, in 1975 a slow democratization process began.


  • The term ‘Common European Home’ was coined in 1987 by Mikhail Gorbachev to describe the future policy of the Soviet Union towards Eastern Europe

  • At present this notion has lost its disquieting tone, which was related to the statement made by the Soviet Political Bureau: ‘a stifling embrace, a suffocating hug’

  • The question of its further direction has become important after the French said ‘non’ to the European Constitution

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Idea Wspólnego Europejskiego Domu a egoizmy narodowe i regionalne: przyk3ad Hiszpanii. Koncepcja Wspólnego Europejskiego Domu, sformu3owana w 1987 r. Przez Michai3a Gorbaczowa na okreœlenie przysz3ej polityki Zwi1zku Sowieckiego wobec Europy Zachodniej straci3a ju¿ swój niepokoj1cy wydŸwiêk, zwi1zany z has3em Sowieckiego Biura Politycznego „zd3awiæ w uœcisku, zdusiæ w objêciach”. Obecnie idea ta obejmuje ró¿ne modele integracji pañstw europejskich, wyra¿aj1c zarówno nadzieje jak i obawy uczestników tego procesu. Dyskusja na temat przysz3ego kszta3tu Europy pomija niezwykle istotny, œciœle zwi1zany z zagadnieniem integracji proces regionalizacji zachodz1cej wewn1trz pañstw europejskich. Ma to szczególne znaczenie dlatego, ¿e paralelnie do procesu europeizacji[1], postêpowa[3] proces regionalizacji wewn1trz narodowych pañstw europejskich. Obecnie regiony europejskie zwiêkszy3y swe znaczenie ekonomiczne, uzyska3y wiêksze prawa i w3adzê wewn1trz pañstwa, w konsekwencji aspiruj1c do bycia samodzielnymi podmiotami globalizacji i europeizacji

Joanna Jaroszyk
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