
Given a tagged triangulation of a once-punctured polygon $P^$ with $n$ vertices, we associate an ice quiver with potential such that the frozen part of the associated frozen Jacobian algebra has the structure of a Gorenstein $K\[X]$-order $\Lambda$. Then we show that the stable category of the category of Cohen–Macaulay $\Lambda$-modules is equivalent to the cluster category $\mathcal C$ of type $D\_n$. It gives a natural interpretation of the usual indexation of cluster tilting objects of $\mathcal C$ by tagged triangulations of $P^$. Moreover, it extends naturally the triangulated categorification by $\mathcal C$ of the cluster algebra of type $D\_n$ to an exact categorification by adding coefficients corresponding to the sides of $P$. Finally, we lift the previous equivalence of categories to an equivalence between the stable category of graded Cohen–Macaulay $\Lambda$-modules and the bounded derived category of modules over a path algebra of type $D\_n$.

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