
Water has grave significance in human life and ice nucleation and rain are the two biggest sources of fresh water. In climate changing variables like temperature and other abiotic factors parallel to biotics factors paly vital role in natural process including ice nucleation. In order to have deep insight of ice nucleation process a data of abiotic factors like temperature, pH, wind direction was not only assessed but synchronized with biotics factors by taking example of two commonly spread species (chir and Diar common names) in the study area. In the study, it is revealed that temperature variation impacts ice nucleation process by lowering temperature from -1°C to -10°C. Analyzing temperature data between 2002 to 2022 reveals cycles impacting environmental phenomenon and other climate dynamics. Experimental data shoes inverse relationship with number of frozen drops and temperature. It is observed that bacterial presence in the atmosphere increases probability of ice nucleation. GIS reports indicate snow direct relation with vegetation signifying presence of biotic factors for ice nucleation.

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