
Dialogue and discussion about religion requires a cautious attitude. Because even though religion has a social function, its appreciation is very individual. Religion is the deepest part of a person's personality. The essential reality of religion is a special experience which expresses itself in symbols and seeks its intellectual expression in the science of kalam. Ibn Khaldun's concept of God is the beginning of the world's existence and theological phenomena. This is what equates ibn Khaldun with Muslim philosophers and scholastic theologians. Ibn Khaldul is firm about the relationship between man and his God because it is the law of causality. The creation process occurs because of the creation of the Absolute. It also rejects secondary causality, that all occurs in the world the elements come from the initiative or direct power of God. Similarly, there is no need to rationally prove God. Because absolute things in religion cannot be proven rationally. because the truth has been guaranteed by Allah's revelation. But this does not mean ignores reason, or autonomous thinking. According to him, sense is very precise and careful scale, innovative and reliable for the results. But in relation to the attribut of God, the role of reason is very limited. Ibn Khaldun's concept of religion as social legitimacy, that religion an important role that has the power of reconciliation, unifying, and unifying a large society. he projected on nomadic society, which was an unruly nation. But when religion comes to them, they submit to the rules created by religion, so something of solidarity is realized. Thus, he saw that religion could add political power, and his enthusiasm could accelerate the movement of history. however, religion needs an 'ashabiyyah foundation to be able to exert its influence. Between 'ashabiyyah and religion there is a dialectical relationship that cannot be contradicted. 'Ashabiyyah supported by religion is the most powerful politics. And religion without the 'ashabiyyah foundation will not be able to exert its influence

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