
As Sir Arthur Evans had suggested that in view of the great discoveries in Crete, which have thrown entirely new light on the origin and development of the Mycenaean civilisation, it was desirable that supplementary excavations should be undertaken at Mycenae in the hope of being able to solve some of the problems connected with the Grave Circle, the Treasury of Atreus and other monuments, the British School applied to the Greek Ministry of Public Instruction for a permit. The permission was readily granted, as Professor Tsountas most courteously and generously gave up his rights on the site for the time being in favour of the British School. The excavation began on April 23rd, 1920, and lasted till July 9th, but the number of men employed never rose above twenty-five. The headquarters of the party were at the ‘Fair Helen Hotel,’ which was found as usual clean and comfortable, while its proprietor, Demetrios Ntases, himself a veteran digger, gave us much sage advice. A house was also rented to serve as a temporary museum and store-room.

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