
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the number one cause of death globally:more people die annually from CVDs than from any other cause. An estimated 17.5 millionpeople died from CVDs in 2012, representing 31% of all global deaths. Although CVDs areuncommon entity in young patients, it constitutes significant health problem due to itsdyslipidemia cases and devastating effects on active life style of young patients, it is thereforeimportant to identify diseases in young that are associated with or a cause of dyslipidemia1.Hypothyroidism is an important cause of dyslipidemia in young that can significantly increasethe risk of CVDs2. Objectives: This study is designed “to determine frequency of dyslipidemiain young hypothyroid patients”. Place and duration of Study: Study conducted at MedicalOPD JPMC, Karachi (outpatient) in six months duration from 25th May 2009 to 24th November2009. Patients and Methods: Study is performed on 100 newly diagnosed cases of primaryhypothyroidism between ages 25 to 55 years, non-smokers, having no previous history ofIschemic Heart Disease (IHD) or family history of premature CVD, diabetes mellitus (DM), hepaticor renal disease, not on drugs which could alter serum lipids. Selected case undergone 14hours fasting lipid profile check. Results: Out of 100 hypothyroid cases, 91% had dyslipidemiawhich was directly proportional to severity of hypothyroidism. Out of 100 hypothyroid cases,95 (95%) were of young age group i-e from 25-49 years, and all of them were dyslipidemic,while 05 (5%) hypothyroid patients were of age group more than 50 years and none of themhad dyslipidemia. (0.00%) and this distribution of dyslipidemic in young hypothyroid patientsis statistically significant (p value 0.031) Conclusion: Hypothyroidism is associated with highfrequency of dyslipidemia in young patients which significantly predisposes them to risks ofCVDs.

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