
The article began when I read a book by Prof. Geraint Lewis and Dr. Luke Barnes about how to overturn astronomy's Big Bang. I'd possessed a strong desire to do this since taking some astrophysics courses with Australian National University a year earlier (they were conducted by Professors Brian Schmidt and Paul Francis). I found the Lewis/Barnes book a valuable guide - and added my ideas about Mobius strips, Figure-8 Klein bottles, and Wick rotation. This hypothesis is the result of my  conviction that science will oneday prove everything in space and time is part of a unification. In "A Brief History of Time", Stephen Hawking wrote,  "If everything in the universe depends on everything else in a fundamental way, it might be impossible to get close to a full solution (of the universe's puzzles) by investigating parts of the problem (such as general relativity and quantum mechanics) in isolation." The goal: to establish a “proof of concept” to which equations can be added. It’s concluded the Steady State, Big Bang, Inflation and Multiverse theories all ultimately fail and a topological model including bits (binary digits), Mobius strips, Figure-8 Klein bottles and Wick rotation works better. The failed cosmologies have impressive points leading to the idea that they’re all necessary stepping-stones. For example, the Big Bang is seen here as violation of the 1st Law of Thermodynamics but its supposed origin from quantum fluctuations is reminiscent of bits switching between 1 and 0. The topological hypothesis has potential to explain dark matter, dark energy, and electromagnetic-gravitational union.  Finally, the article introduces what is called vector-tensor-scalar geometry - and extensions of Einstein's Gravity and Maxwell's Electromagnetism.  

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