
<h3>Objectives</h3> To investigate the correlation of hypertrichosis in syndromes with craniofacial changes and neurological involvement. <h3>Study Design</h3> A literature search in the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM), Protein, and PubMed-NCBI databases. No cutoff period was established regarding the date of publication. Only papers on syndromes with an association between hypertrichosis and craniofacial and neurological abnormalities in pediatric and adult patients were included. Those that did not fit these criteria were excluded, such as papers addressing only malformations, congenital alterations, and when citing hirsutism alone. <h3>Results</h3> The search in OMIM resulted in 148 findings that mentioned hypertrichosis; of these, only 27 met the inclusion criteria. The characteristics of general head and neck alterations that were commonly found were hypertrichosis, intellectual disability, mental retardation, highly arched palate, gingival hyperplasia, and dysmorphic ears in syndromes such as Cantu, Wiedemann-Steiner, and Barber-Say, among others. <h3>Conclusions</h3> It is essential that the dentist know how to identify and document these alterations, as well as provide a better diagnosis and treatment of the alterations in the oral cavity.

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