
By using the high spectral resolution, hyperspectral images (HSIs) provide significant information for target detection, which is of great interest in HSI processing. However, most classical target detection methods may only perform well based on certain assumptions. Simultaneously, using limited numbers of target samples and preserving the discriminative information is also a challenging problem in hyperspectral target detection. To overcome these shortcomings, this paper proposes a novel adaptive information-theoretic metric learning with local constraints (ITML-ALC) for hyperspectral target detection. The proposed method firstly uses the information-theoretic metric learning (ITML) method as the objective function for learning a Mahalanobis distance to separate similar and dissimilar point-pairs without certain assumptions, needing fewer adjusted parameters. Then, adaptively local constraints are applied to shrink the distances between samples of similar pairs and expand the distances between samples of dissimilar pairs. Finally, target detection decision can be made by considering both the threshold and the changes between the distances before and after metric learning. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can obviously separate target samples from background ones and outperform both the state-of-the-art target detection algorithms and the other classical metric learning methods.


  • A hyperspectral image (HSI) obtained by remote sensing systems can provide significant information

  • A number of classical target detection algorithms have been proposed in HSI analysis

  • Most classical algorithms depend on the specific statistical hypothesis tests, and may only perform well under certain conditions, e.g., the adaptive cosine/coherence estimator (ACE) detector assumes that the background is homogeneous, which is unrealistic in the real world

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A hyperspectral image (HSI) obtained by remote sensing systems can provide significant information. Most of them are based on the linear models and statistical hypothesis tests, which can maximize the detection probability for fixed false alarm probability, such as orthogonal subspace projection (OSP) and adaptive cosine/coherence estimator (ACE). The former OSP method proposed by Harsanyi et al [8] suppresses the background signatures by projecting each pixel’s spectrum onto a subspace, which is orthogonal to the background signatures. 0F.F0 oorr tAthChEee AAOSPVVIILRMRNIINSS NSSCaaAnnITDDMLiiIeTeMggL-ooALC aaiirrppoorrtt ddaattaasseett,, aa(ass)sshhoowwnn iinn FFiigguurree 1100bb,, tthhee IITTMMLL--AA(bLL)CC aallggoorriitthhmm ccaann sseeppaarraattee ttaarrggeett aa(nncd)d bbaacckkggrroouunndd eeffffeeccttiiFvvieeglFluyyirg,,euaa1rnne0dd.1T0tta.hhrTegeaerbbtg-aaebctca-kkbcgakgcgrrkoorgouurunonnudddndiisnnesfpfeooaprrrammartaaiatoittoniionomnnmacacpapasnsnoofbbfteethheeeenndccifllfooessreeenddttiaiannllggoaaorrivvittheehmrrmyyss.ss.(mma()aaa)AllAlVlVrIrRaaIRInnSIggSLeeCLccVCooFVmmdFpapdtaaarrsteeaetdsd;etww; iitthh tthhee ootth(hbee)rr(AbaaV)llggAIRooVIrrISiiRttShhISammnSsasD.n. iFFeDoogiroregttahohireeapiHHroprYYtorDdDtaIdItCCatsEEaestuue; tr(r;cbb()acaH)nnHYddYDaaDIttCaaICsEseEeuttu,,rabrabsasanssnhhddooaawtwtaasnnseetiit.n.n FFiigguurree 1100cc,, iitt ddeemmoonnssttrraatteess tthhaatt tthhee IITTMMLL--AALLCC aallggoorriitthhmm hhaass aa mmoorree aaddvvaanncceedd ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee wwhheenn ccoommppaarreedd wwiitthh tthhee ootthheerr aallggoorriitthhmmss. C201a8l,g10o,r1i4th15m has the better ability of suppressing background pixels and extracti1n3goft1h6e target ones

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