
Projection-based Reduced Order Models are based on the idea of minimizing the discrete residual of a “full order model” (FOM) while at the same time constraining the unknowns to live in a space of reduced dimension. For problems with symmetric positive definite (SPD) Jacobians, this minimization can be achieved optimally by projecting the full order residual onto the approximation basis (Galerkin Projection). This approach is sub-optimal for problems with non-SPD Jacobians since it only guarantees that the projection of the residual onto the chosen basis is minimized and not the residual itself. One possible alternative in such cases is to directly minimize the 2-norm of the residual. This minimization can be achieved either by using QR factorization to solve the resulting least-squares problem or by employing the method of the normal equations (LSPG) to the same end. The first approach involves constructing and factorizing a rectangular tall and skinny matrix of size proportional to the number of unknowns of the FOM. The LSPG method avoids the use of the large matrix by directly constructing the product by its transpose. Unfortunately, constructing such a product element by element is not feasible and requires the use of a complementary mesh, which adds an extra layer of complexity to the hyper-reduction process when performing mesh sampling. The main idea of this work is to propose an alternative technique based on the idea of Petrov–Galerkin minimization. Essentially, we choose a left basis so that a least-squares minimization procedure can be carried out on a reduced problem while guaranteeing that the discrete full order residual is minimized. The resulting procedure is applicable to problems with both SPD and non-SPD Jacobians. Additionally, the resulting minimization problem can be assembled element by element, avoiding the use of the complementary mesh and simplifying implementation in the context of finite elements. The resulting technique is amenable to hyper-reduction by the use of the Empirical Cubature Method and can be readily applied in the context of nonlinear reduction procedures.

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