
Lipid metabolism was studied in experimental uremia. Uremic (U) rats were compared with sham-operated, pair-fed (PF) controls and with ad-lib-fed (AL) controls. In U animals, fasting glucose concentrations were normal, immunoreactive serum insulin (IRI) levels were decreased, and immunoreactive glucagon levels were increased. A significant increase in the serum concentration of all lipid classes was observed: triglycerides were elevated 10-fold above the values in PF and AL controls; phospholipids, twofold; total cholesterol, threefold; and free cholesterol, sixfold. Cholesterol concentration was increased in beta- and pre-beta-lipoproteins and even more so in alpha- and pre-alpha-lipoproteins. There was an increase in the ratio of free cholesterol/total cholesterol. The fatty acid composition of serum lipoproteins was unchanged. Concomitantly, in liver tissue, there was no change in lipid content (triglyceride, cholesterol) and fatty acid composition. These findings argue against glucose- or insulin-mediated changes in hepatic de novo fatty acid synthesis, chain elongation, or poly-desaturation. In U animals, the HMG-CoA-reductase activity of liver microsomes was slightly, but not significantly, reduced as was tritiated water incorporation into cholesterol in isolated perfused liver preparations. In adipose tissue, there was a decrease in triglyceride content. The results provide evidence against insulin-mediated hepatic overproduction as a major cause of hyperlipoproteinemia in this model of experimental renal insufficiency and point to peripheral under-utilization of lipoproteins.

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