
The present study asked whether partial amygdala kindling would affect the expression of conditioned fear-potentiated startle. Rats were conditioned to be fearful of a light. They were then stimulated bilaterally in the amygdala or hippocampus on 2 consecutive days (partial kindling). Rats were tested 24 hr later for fear-potentiated startle. Amygdala-kindled rats had exaggerated fear-potentiated startle compared to sham-kindled rats. Hippocampus-kindled rats also displayed fear-potentiated startle, but no greater than that of sham-kindled rats. Partial amygdala kindling induced c-fos messenger RNA (mRNA) expression, a marker for neuronal activation, throughout the limbic and neocortices. In contrast, partial hippocampus kindling induced c-fos mRNA in the hippocampus only. The data suggest that kindled-induced hyperexcitability of the amygdala and limbic cortices produced exaggerated conditioned fear-potentiated startle.

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