
This review manuscript presents actual information on sports facilities, their design and the impact they may have on human health. Based on the current sanitary and hygienic norms and regulations the authors describe types of sports facilities, give their classification depending on the designated use, point out the peculiarities of sports facilities arrangement in Italy and Russia. Special attention is paid to the necessity to meet the hygienic requirements when constructing and maintaining sports facilities. The paper highlights the hygienic requirements for all sports facilities, regardless of their type, to be standardized by the following components: location of sports facilities within the boundaries of a settlement; orientation of sports facilities; transport accessibility; layout; state of the environment (air, water, soil); nature of landscaping and the area of green spaces; noise intensity level; microclimate of sports facilities (relative temperature and humidity, air velocity). Hygienic requirements for indoor sports facilities are given on the example of gyms that appear to be the most common structures. Particular attention is paid to the requirements for indoor microclimate and lighting. Requirements for the gym equipment and inventory are considered to comply with certain standards and serviceability. Based on the literature data, the manuscript emphasizes the need for sports facilities to meet sanitary and hygienic requirements and standards, since the health effect of physical exercises and sports depends on their sanitary condition. The unified requirement in different countries is to conduct the routine sanitary inspections of all the premises of the sports facilities after putting a sports facility into operation following detailed internal rules and regulations.

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