
Bafq Mining District (BMD) is an iron mineralization province that contains more than 2 Gt of iron ore located in the early Cambrian volcano-plutonic arc known as the Kashmar-Kerman zone. The host rocks of the Fe mineralization are granitic and microgranitic rocks and their extrusive equivalents. Field observations and petrographic studies showed that both sodic and calcic alteration are related to iron mineralization. Other alteration styles, including silicic, chlorite, epidote, and sericite alteration are less important and post-dated the mineralization. Sodic alteration is associated with the formation of chessboard albite, whereas the calcic alteration is featured by a mineral assemblage of actinolite–tremolite- magnetite- apatite. Available evidence suggests that the involved metasomatic fluids could be mainly of evaporitic sources, with a minor contribution from magmatic fluids. We suggest that mineralization formed at the end of the Precambrian, in pull-apart basins in a magmatic back-arc region associated with subduction of the Proto-Tethys oceanic crust under Central Iranian Plate. Iron ore mineralization may be related to the interaction of granite-derived hydrothermal fluids and brine-derived fluids sourced from the latest Precambrian Rizu and Dezu evaporitic sequences.

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