
In this case report theaetiology, severity and outcome of a poorly managed case of rhesus negative woman are discussed. Isoimmunization occurs when fetal red blood cells which possess an antigen that mother lacks crossed the placenta into the maternal circulation, where they stimulate antibody production. The peculiar features of hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) due to rhesus incompatibility are described, poor obstetric history and lack of readily available immunoprophylaxis despite mother’s presentation at tertiary centres are highlighted in this case presentation. It is suggested that a multidisciplinary team comprising an obstetrician, a neonatologist and a hematologist should manage pregnancies complicated by blood group incompatibility. The maternal antibody titer should be evaluated at the firstprenatal visit especially in a previously sensitized gravidae. Use of post-partum anti-D immune globulin prophylaxis (rhogam) has reduced the alloimmunization rate considerably world wide.Keywords: Hydrops Fetalis, Isoimmunization, RHOGAM, Hemolytic Disease of the New born (HDN)

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