
To produce diesel fuel from renewable organic material such as vegetable oils, it has for a number of years been known that triglycerides can be hydrogenated into linear alkanes in a refinery hydrotreating unit over conventional sulfided hydrodesulfurization catalysts. A number of new reactions occur in the hydrotreater, when a biological component is introduced, and experiments were conducted to obtain a more detailed understanding of these mechanisms. The reaction pathways were studied both in model compound tests and in real feed tests with mixtures of straight-run gas oil and rapeseed oil. In both sets of experiments, the hydrogenation of the oxygen containing compounds was observed to proceed either via a hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) route or via a decarboxylation route. The detailed pathway of the HDO route was further illuminated by studying the hydroprocessing of methyl laurate into n-dodecane. The observed reaction intermediates did not support a simple stepwise hydrogenation of the aldehyde formed after hydrogenation of the connecting oxygen in the ester. Instead, it is proposed that the aldehyde formed is enolized before further hydrogenation. The existence of an enol intermediate was further corroborated by the observation that a ketone lacking α-hydrogen (that cannot be directly enolized) had a much lower reactivity than a corresponding ketone with α-hydrogen. In real feed tests, the complete conversion of rapeseed oil into linear alkanes at mild hydrotreating conditions was demonstrated. From the gas and liquid yields, the relative rates of HDO and decarboxylation were calculated in good agreement with the observed distribution of the n-C17/n-C18 and n-C21/n-C22 formed. The hydrogen consumption associated with each route is deduced, and it was shown that hydrogen consumed in the water-gas-shift and methanization reactions may add significant hydrogen consumption to the decarboxylation route. The products formed exhibited high cetane values and low densities. The challenges of introducing triglycerides in conventional hydrotreating units are discussed. It is concluded that hydrotreating offers a robust and flexible process for converting a wide variety of alternative feedstocks into a green diesel fuel that is directly compatible with existing fuel infrastructure and engine technology.

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