
An important issue in geoecological studies of watercourses can be considered the presence of integral and continuous hydrological series. On their basis, most of the hydrological calculations and structures are made, without which high-quality and rational water use is impossible. Unfortunately, in the Kaliningrad region, there are a number of difficulties with obtaining a complete set of recorded results of hydrological monitoring carried out over watercourses. The aim of the work was to collect hydrological information and calculate the main hydrological characteristics of the river flow of some watercourses in the Slavsky region. All the available data on hydrometric observations of the rivers of the considered territory were collected, on the basis of which hydrological series of average annual discharges were compiled. These rivers are: Zlaya, Osa, Matrosovka and Nemoninka. The missing data in the hydrological series of the average annual water discharge of the rivers under consideration were restored. The curves of the provision of average annual expenditures have been built according to the reconstructed data, and the average long-term expenditures, coefficients of variation and coefficients of asymmetry of the studied water bodies have been calculated. The entire methodology was based on the current set of rules for hydrological calculations. The results obtained can play an important role in further geoecological studies of watercourses in the Slavsk region, planning their use and in various project activities to develop water use.

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