
The hydroelastic behavior of a forced circular elastic floating plate is analyzed, while considering the existence of vertical barrier. This study encompasses different edge conditions such as free, simply supported and built-in edge conditions. The eigenfunction matching method is employed with circular symmetry to obtain the solution in frequency-domain. The analysis in time-domain is performed by considering Gaussian forcing at different points on the plate, utilizing the Fourier transform for analysis. The study examines the vertical force acting on the plate and the time-dependent deflection at the point of force application, taking into account different permeable barriers and fluid depths. Additionally, the numerical findings are assessed and compared to the current ones for validation. The findings indicate that the plate encounters maximum force under a built-in edge condition. Furthermore, the time-dependent deflection of the point of forcing decreases with rising values of both the real and imaginary parts of the porous effect parameter G over the time. The outcomes arising from integrating a circular elastic plate with a porous barrier will provide valuable insights into how the plate responds to abrupt forces, similar to those experienced in seismic events or unforeseen disturbances and it also helps in the design of structures capable of enduring unexpected impacts or shocks, among other considerations.

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