
The water management is the important component in industrial sphere of everyone sugar beet a factory. It on the complexity and specific water consumption has no analogues among other food enterprises. At productivity sugar beet a factory on a beet 9 thou-sand т in day is required for a washing of a beet the big specific charge of water and it is necessary nearby 60 thousand т waters. In this connection the big attention is given clearing of transporter-washing waters that allows to use repeatedly her for a washing of a beet, and also to carry out better clearing secondary waters. On the basis of studying technology of clearing of secondary waters it is carried out the analysis of research of process of gravitational sedimentation of particles at the constrained movement. Sedimentation of firm particles in suspensions under action of gravities and centrifugal forces, mechanical hashing in liquid environments is connected with movement of firm bodies in liquids. At movement of a body in a liquid there is a resistance which depends on a mode of movement and the form of a streamline body. In processes of sedimentation the weighed particle moves to liquids under action of various forces: gravities and elevating (ascending) forces directed aside, return to a direction of a gravity, and also force of movement of the environment (suspension) due to mechanical hashing. On the basis of modeling gravitational sedimentation of particles at the constrained movement during clearing secondary waters sugar beet manufactures and the offered design procedure speed of sedimentation of particles depending on presence of a disperse phase and Reynolds's variable number is certain at various diameters of besieged particles. It is analysed the mechanism of gravitational sedimentation at the constrained movement and results of calculation in the form of schedules of change of function of the attitude of speeds are resulted at the constrained and summary movement from a share of a disperse phase at Reynolds's various values which allow to define speed of sedimentation for various diameter of particles. On the basis of studying technological processes of clearing of process waters and sedimentation at the constrained movement of firm particles in a liquid directions recuperation secondary waters are certain and the machine-hardware scheme of a line of clearing of transporter-washing waters sugar beet manufactures is offered. The scheme of a site of a washing of a beet and recuperation secondary waters on JCS “Elan-Kolenovskiy sugar factory” which provides a high degree of clearing of transporter-washing waters is developed.


  • The water management is the important component in industrial sphere of everyone sugar beet a factory

  • specific water consumption has no analogues among other food enterprises

  • At productivity sugar beet a factory on a beet 9 thou-sand т in day is required for a washing of a beet the big specific charge

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Величина μэ в основном определяется значением объемной концентрации дисперсной фазы φ. Хаппелем и Бреннером было показано, что эффективная вязкость может быть связана с отношением скоростей свободного оседания одиночной частицы по закону Стокса и частиц в суспензии на основе использования величины корректирующего множителя в силе сопротивления λ

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Dependence of effective viscosity and velocity of the dispersed phase
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