The drainage gates have been controlled for desalination under normal conditions and flood defense in Saemangeum basin, Korea. Recently, it became an issue that the gates have been opened not to deteriorate water quality in the lake. It is, thus, necessary to precisely estimate the changes of water quality characteristics, especially DO, phosphate and nitrate, in the lake according to various gate operations. In this study, Semi-implicit Cross-scale Hydroscience Integrated System Model and Carbon, Silicate, Nitrogen Ecosystem model (SCHISM-CoSiNE) which is cable to simulate dynamic exchange such as gate operation conditions was utilized to obtain reliable and reasonable results including hydrodyanamic and environmental variables. For the verification, the measured data at 6 locations in Saemangeum basin was used to compare incluidng temperatue and salintiy from 2016 and each relative error became small enough to show high accurary. Also, under various scenarios by changing the designated water surface elevation on flood seasons, this model has been applied to present the best designated water surface elevation in terms of both water quality and water supply in the Saemangeum basin. It becomes possbile to show reliable guidance for dynamic operations and environmental changes with this model as requested in near future.
The Saemangeum basin which is located central west coast of Korea (Latitude: 354928 N Longitude: 12690 E), has the longest sea dikes on the world
The objective of this study is to examine the quantatively changes of water quality caused by the variations of hydraulic characteristics due to the Saemangeum basin Master Plan (Korean Government, 2011) considering the drainage gate operation
The results of scale Hydroscience Integrated System Model (SCHISM)-CoSiNE model for hydraulic characteristics and water quality with change of the designated water surface elevation are reviewed in the regions of interest
The Saemangeum basin which is located central west coast of Korea (Latitude: 354928 N Longitude: 12690 E), has the longest sea dikes on the world. The dikes damed a natural esturay system where fresh water from two river system (Mangyeonggang and the Dongjingang Rivers) met West Sea of Korea. The Isahaya bay in Japan, similar to Saemangeum basin, became worsened water quality after the construction of the sea dikes. Even Japan tried to improve water quality with limited success (Yokoyama & Kyozuka, 2003). The Netherlands had the effect of eliminating the inflow of seawater after the Haringvliet dam construction, which was a part of the Delta project, but the water quality was deteriorated by the decrease of flow velocity (Stuyfzand et al, 2004). In a lake formed by artificially obstructing the river, the amount of organic matter which
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