
Hollywood science fiction movies from "Ready Player One" to "FREE GUY" have all scored good box office results, while Japan's Hatsune Miku has gained a huge global fan base. They all have one thing in common, or what can be called a common denominator: the presence of avatars in the main roles. Currently, both Venom, a hybrid art figure made of virtual and real people and GUY, a virtual art figure made of pure AI animation, are extremely popular, and both are in line with the current hot meta-universe concept, with natural similarity. If Venom, a combination of virtual and real people, can be a virtual idol, then this virtual image is synthesized by pure AI animation, both of them can be a new kind of virtual "idol", and this article aims to put this kind of pure virtual image into the category of film and media idol research, and explore their value under the concept of the metaverse and The purpose of this article is to investigate the value of these pure avatars in the context of the metaverse concept and the feasibility of their development.

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