
Future Mars exploration missions rely heavily on high-mobility autonomous rovers equipped with sophisticated scientific instruments and possessing advanced navigational capabilities. Increasing their navigation velocity and localization accuracy is essential for enabling these rovers to explore large areas on Mars. Contemporary Mars rovers move slowly, partially due to the long execution time of complex computer vision algorithms running on their slow space-grade CPUs. This paper exploits the advent of high-performance space-grade field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) to accelerate the navigation of future rovers. Specifically, it focuses on visual odometry (VO) and performs HW/SW codesign to achieve one order of magnitude faster execution and improved accuracy. Conforming to the specifications of the European Space Agency, we build a proof-of-concept system on an HW/SW platform with processing power resembling that to be available onboard future rovers. We develop a codesign methodology adapted to the rover's specifications, design parallel architectures, and customize several feature extraction, matching, and motion estimation algorithms. We implement and evaluate five distinct HW/SW pipelines on a Virtex6 FPGA and a 150 MIPS CPU. We provide a detailed analysis of their cost-time-accuracy tradeoffs and quantify the benefits of employing FPGAs for implementing VO. Our solution achieves a speedup factor of 16× over a CPU-only implementation, handling a stereo image pair in less than 1 s, with a 1.25% mean positional error after a 100 m traverse and an FPGA cost of 54 K LUTs and 1.46-MB RAM.

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