
1. Cold War and Human Rights, Rasmus Mariager and Karl Molin PART 1: INCEPTION 2. Competition or Complement to Universal Human Rights? Perceptions of and positions on a European Convention for Human Rights, 1949-1952, Kjersti Brathagen 3. The British in Strasbourg: Negogiating the European Convention on Human Rights, Anne Deighton 4. Rights of the Refugee During the Cold War: A case study of Sweden 1945-1954, Cecilia Notini-Burch 5. Universality Should Govern the Small World of Today: The Cold War and UN Human Rights Diplomacy, 1960-1968, Steven L. B. Jensen PART II: DISPERSION 6. The Helsinki Final Act, The Second Stage of Ostpolitik, and Human Rights in Eastern Europe: The Case of Poland, Robert Brier 7. Sweden, Ostpolitik and the Collective and Individual Rights of European Citizens, 1969-1975, Aryo Makko 8. Propoganda Tools and Idealistic Goals: Britain and the Cold War Politics of Human Rights in the CSCE,1972-1973, Kai Hebel PART III: EFFECTS 9. Human-Rights Demagoguery Hostile to Detente: The German Democratic Republic and the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1975-1989, Douglas Selvage 10. A Trap and a Chance: Basket III, Dissents and State Authorities in Communist Poland, Wanda Jarzabek 11. Counter Culture, Hegemony and Human Rights: Rights and Resistance under the Cold War, Ben Dorfman

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