
Effective implementation of environmental policy is important for the sustainable development of the country. Implementation of strategic nature protection tasks is entrusted to relevant organizations. Institutions that regulate water use occupy a special place among them. The functioning of such organizations depends on human resources. The research mechanism for the priority of human resources management factors for employees of the water management complex was developed on the basis of a combination of sociological survey and matrix analysis. The development was tested on the example of the Rivne Interdistrict Water Management. 75% of the administrative and management personnel of the organization were interviewed. The most important thing for employees of the water management organization is the amount of monetary incentives and the timeliness of their payment. Almost all respondents rated them as high as possible on a 5-point scale. For the majority of respondents, social and psychological comfort in the organization is also of great importance. Such components of personnel management as proper working conditions and the possibility of independent choice of vacation time, mutual relations with colleagues and the attitude of the immediate supervisor received a high rating of importance. Interrelated factors such as the possibility of realizing one’s own abilities and the nature of work, opportunities for career and professional growth, and self-regulation of the working time schedule are also significant.

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