
AbstractInformation and communication technologies developing in all sectors of the Russian economy and the digital transformation of agriculture have a significant impact on the formation of human resources in the industry. Changing business conditions leads to the fact that human capital is becoming the leading and intensive factor in developing the digital economy. The paper focuses on the research of human resource development in the agricultural economy sector in the digital transformation of agriculture. The research methodology comprises the analysis of (1) digital modernization of agriculture, (2) diagnostics of statistical data that characterize the level of digitalization of the agricultural sector, and (3) the human resource development in the industry. We clarify the interpretation of “human resource development” and the features of its formation in the context of developing information and communication technologies, production automation, and the expanding use of digital platforms. Besides, we note (1) an insufficient level of competence in the creation and use of information and communication technologies among employees and during classes in the universities, (2) lack of professionals in information and communication technologies, (3) lack of development of information and communication infrastructure, and (4) using morally outdated platforms and systems as the main problems of digital agriculture development. We consider that the most impact of digital transformation will be on workers of general professions since the widespread use of new technologies may lead to a decrease in demand for employees engaged in activities that do not require high qualifications. Digitalization may have a smaller impact on mid-level specialists and managers, which will require them to develop new competencies for interacting with digital technologies. Thus, the main directions of digitalization of the agricultural economy sector objectively require a leading-edge human resource development and, as a result, modernization and restructuring of agricultural education in order to increase the demand for agricultural university graduates in the new economic conditions.KeywordsHuman resourcesAgricultural sectorDigital transformationAgricultureDigitalization

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