
Stair-climbing posture is a common motion posture of lower extremity exoskeleton robots. In the process of climbing stairs, with the change of the gravity center of system, it has a direct impact on the dynamic stability characteristics of human-machine system. Based on this, a complete diagram of the stair-climbing posture can be set up, which can be divided into the starting stage, the intermediate stage and the ending stage. The foot trajectory, COG trajectory and ZMP trajectory of human-machine system in the intermediate stage of stair-climbing posture can be analyzed by drawing stair-climbing motion diagram of six-step. Based on the inverted pendulum theory, a virtual inverted pendulum model with variable height (VCHIPM) is proposed to analyze the influence of the change of the gravity center on the dynamic stability of the human-machine system in the upstairs posture. The test results show us that COG position can be changed by adjusting the value of a, so as to adjust the position of ZMP, reduce the error of ZMP and ensure the stability of human-machine system.

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