
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention collaborated to characterize a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) outbreak in northeastern Massachusetts and prevent further transmission. We determined the contributions of HIV sequence data to defining the outbreak. Human immunodeficiency virus surveillance and partner services data were analyzed to understand social and molecular links within the outbreak. Cases were defined as HIV infections diagnosed during 2015-2018 among people who inject drugs with connections to northeastern Massachusetts or HIV infections among other persons named as partners of a case or whose HIV polymerase sequence linked to another case, regardless of diagnosis date or geography. Of 184 cases, 65 (35%) were first identified as part of the outbreak through molecular analysis. Twenty-nine cases outside of northeastern Massachusetts were molecularly linked to the outbreak. Large molecular clusters (75, 28, and 11 persons) were identified. Among 161 named partners, 106 had HIV; of those, 40 (38%) diagnoses occurred through partner services. Human immunodeficiency virus sequence data increased the case count by 55% and expanded the geographic scope of the outbreak. Human immunodeficiency virus sequence and partner services data each identified cases that the other method would not have, maximizing prevention and care opportunities for HIV-infected persons and their partners.

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