
Fibrin and hyaluronic acid (HA) are macromolecules whose concentrations are elevated at the same time in the extracellular space of damaged tissues. We have investigated whether HA can bind to fibrinogen using solid phase and soluble assays. Purified human fibrinogen specifically bound to HA-Sepharose to a greater extent (greater than 5-fold) than did alpha 1-acid glycoprotein, DNaseI, ovalbumin, haptoglobin, or lysozyme. Fibrinogen did not bind to ethanolamine-Sepharose, a control chromatographic support. Treatment of HA-Sepharose containing bound 125I-fibrinogen with ovine testicular hyaluronidase released 44% of the 125I radioactivity, indicating that fibrinogen was specifically bound to HA. Moreover, 125I-fibrinogen bound to HA-Sepharose could be displaced by free HA but not by either of the monosaccharide components of this polymer, glucuronic acid, or N-acetylglucosamine. Chondroitin sulfate and polygalacturonic acid competed only weakly for bound 125I-fibrinogen. Bound 125I-fibrinogen was also not released by high concentrations of NaCl (up to 4 M), indicating that the interaction is not simply ionic. The apparent affinity of fibrinogen for HA covaried with the molecular weight of the HA. Small HA oligosaccharides (Mr = 3900) were only 50% as effective as larger HA (Mr = 8 X 10(5)) in eluting bound 125I-fibrinogen from HA-Sepharose. The optimal oligosaccharide size for displacement of bound 125I-fibrinogen was greater than or equal to 200 monosaccharides. Additionally, the amount of 125I-fibrinogen bound to HA-Sepharose was directly related to the size of the HA-amine linked to the affinity support. The affinity constant for fibrinogen binding to 125I-HA (approximately 150 monosaccharides) is estimated to be at least 2 X 10(7) M-1. These results demonstrate for the first time a specific, reversible binding between HA and fibrinogen.

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